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HOW CAN JANISS COACHING BENEFIT ME? 2024 的下半年,你想选择如何去生活?每个人都会有情绪,只是你能不能利用对的情绪,给你遇见对的人,对的生活方向呢?假设Imagine 你的行为是一辆车,而你就是你的思想, 你就是司机,而你的思想决定了要让谁上你的车,跟你一起踏上旅程,去什么地方,有怎么样的旅途, 什么时候需要停下来打油,什么时候需要把弄脏你车的垃圾和乘客给放下。 而Janiss – 我们的身心灵人生教练,就是你在需要维修车的时候的那个维修车主,和给予你地图和方向,教你怎么样让你的车更好使,更好看。 你一定会吸引到更与你志道同频,和你在一样的旅途的高品质的车与车主。Janiss 的身心灵辅导适合需要,想要,马上要,现在就要 ⬇ 摆脱忧郁症的人 停止过度思考失眠的人 不要感到焦虑的人 成为摆脱自我怀疑 成为有自信自爱的人 突破限制自己信念的人 要加强意志力的人 要更快实现目标的人 找不到人生目标及方向的人 Is Not about how hard you get hit, is about how hard you can get Hit and Move on ✋🏻! You Are Not Your

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Preventing ED: Tips and Strategies for a Healthier You

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a topic many shy away from, yet its impact on life and relationships is too significant to ignore. I’ve seen friends and family members grapple with it, often in silence, not realizing that there are steps they can take to prevent it. Drawing from personal experiences

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Managing Stress to Prevent Weight Gain

In our fast-paced world, stress has become a constant companion for many of us. While a little stress can be a motivator, chronic stress wreaks havoc on our health, leading to issues that range from sleep disturbances to, notably, weight gain. Understanding the intricate dance between stress and our weight

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Intermittent Fasting: Unlocking a Healthier You

In the bustling rhythm of modern life, finding a diet plan that fits can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. That’s where intermittent fasting (IF) comes in—a flexible, sustainable approach to eating that has transformed my life and could revolutionize yours too. What is Intermittent Fasting? Intermittent

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